S I X T H   Y E A R

Tuesday May 12th, 2020

Class 2. To read and learn facts about one of the seven modern wonders of the world (the Great Wall of China).

Activity 2.1 What do you know about the Great Wall of China? Where is it? How long is it? When was it built? Who built it? Why was it built?

Activity 2.2 On the next link, read the text about the Great Wall of China and answer the following questions.


  1. _____ Packed dirt, wood, stone and brick were materials used to build the Great Wall.
  2. _____ The Great Wall was built as a fortress to protect from invaders.
  3. _____ Qin Shi Huang was the fist emperor of China in 112 BC.
  4. _____ The Xi Jinping was the dynasty which constructed the famous version of the Great Wall.
  5. _____ At its height, the structure was about 2 200 000 cm in total length.
  6. _____ The structure can be seen from the moon.
  7. _____ One third of the fortress has disappeared.

Activity 2.3 Now, watch a video about this famous structure.

Activity 2.4 Finally, in your notebook write 3 interesting facts you learnt from the video.


You have completed the activities for today. Find more activities next Friday!