F I F T H   Y E A R

Wednesday May 27th, 2020

Class 5. To record yourself giving directions on a map.

En esta ocasión vas a hacer un video (máximo 1 minuto) para presentar tu proyecto (dar indicaciones para llegar a un destino).


Activity 5.1 Look at the map and study all the places in the picture. Identify the phrase "You are here" because it is your STARTING point.

Activity 5.2 In your notebook, write the directios to get to the different DESTINATIONS, according to the objects you require:

  1. some aspirin
  2. a CD
  3. a plane ticket
  4. a newspaper
  5. a book
  6. some stamps

Activity 5.3 Ask someone in your family to record a video of the map (with the cell phone) while you give the directions to three destinations. (It's OK if you read the sentences). The video is maximum 60 seconds.

Activity 5.4 Now, name your video addding your given names (no lastnames) and your group, for example, Luis_5A or Luis_5B

Activity 5.5 Finally, send your video to the email (elt.guillermosherwell@gmail.com). The best videos will be published on the blog.


You have concluded with the project of this unit!
You can watch the best projects at the weekend!