F I F T H   Y E A R

Wednesday May 13th, 2020

Class 3. To practice with vocabulary related to directions and read/listen to follow directions on a map.

En la sesión de hoy vas a practicar con el vocabulario de indicaciones y lee/escucha para seguir las direcciones en un mapa.

Activity 3.1 Copy the vocabulary (column Directions) in your notebook.

go out of the…
go past the…
go straight on…
turn left on…
turn right on…

get off…

Activity 3.2 In this webpage, practice the pronunciation and spelling of some phrases to express directions.


Activity 3.3 Now, look at the map and read the directions. Trace the route on the map. What place is it? (Download the activity and use any tools to complete it).

Activity 3.4 Then, watch the video to practice listening to directions.

Activity 3.5 Finally, answer the following questions from the video in your notebook. (You can watch the video again and pause when necessary).

  1. What places are mentioned?
  2. What is next to the bakery?
  3. Where is the bank?
  4. What is opposite the museum?
  5. Write the directions from the hotel to the post office.


You have completed the activities for today. Find more activities next Wednesday!