F I F T H   Y E A R

Wednesday May 6th, 2020

Class 2. To explore the vocabulary of places in town and prepositions of places (spelling & pronunciation) to listen and identify their locations on a map.

En la sesión de hoy vas a explorar el vocabulario de lugares de la ciudad y preposiciones de lugar (escritura y pronunciación) para escuchar e identificarlos en un mapa.

Activity 2.1 Listen to practice the pronunciation of places. Match the pictures to the names.

Activity 2.2 Next, watch the video and guess the places they refer to.

Activity 2.3 Then, match the descriptions to the correct names of places. (Download the activity and use any tools to complete it).

Activity 2.4 In this webpage, you can practice the pronunciation and spelling of prepositions of places.


Activity 2.5 Look at the map and read the sentences. Put a tick in the correct box (True or False). (Download the activity and use any tools to complete it).

Activity 2.6 Now, listen to the audio and draw the people on the map (Pamela, Tim, David, Karen, Olga and Charlie). (Download the activity and use any tools to complete it).

Activity 2.7 Finally, copy the following sentences in your notebook. Listen again to the audio to complete the sentences with the correct prepositions or places in town and check your answers.

  1. Pamela is __________ the pedestrian bridge.
  2. Tim is at the __________.
  3. David is __________ the park, sleeping under a tree.
  4. Karen is __________ the post office.
  5. Oolga is __________ the hospital.
  6. Charlie is behing the __________.


You have completed the activities for today. Find more activities next Wednesday!