S I X T H   Y E A R
Tuesday April 28th, 2020

Class 6. To videorecord yourself giving directions.

Activity 6.1 Draw a map of your neighbourhood and select the STARTING point and the DESTINATION point.

Activity 6.2 Write a short text giving directions to that destination. Look at the example:

STARTING POINT: the school;
DESTINATION POINT: the supermarket.

"To get to the SUPERMARKET you need to turn left on ORIENTAL street, and go straight on two blocks, then turn left on TEPETLAPA STREET. Continue and go straight on 10 blocks. The supermarket is in the corner."

Activity 6.3 Ask someone in your family to record a video of your map (with the cell phone) while you give the directions. (It's OK if you read the texts). The video is maximum 60 seconds.

Activity 6.4 Now, name your video addding your given names (no lastnames) and your group, for example, Vladimir_6A or Vladimir_6B

Activity 6.5 Finally, send your video to the email (prim.dgose4.hernandez.vladimir@gmail.com). The best videos will be published on the blog.


You have concluded with the project of Unit 3H corresponding to April!
You can watch the best projects next Friday! And the start of Unit 3I next Tuesday!