T H I R D   Y E A R

Monday March 30th, 2020

Class 4. To practise listening and reading to identify the characteristics of a story.

En la sesión de hoy vas a escuchar y leer un cuento para identificar sus partes, además de las características de los personajes.

Activity 4.1 Ve el cuento 'Gingerbread Man' y responde TRUE o FALSE.

  1. The old woman baked a gingerbread man in the oven. _________________
  2. The gingerbread man ran very fast. _________________
  3. The old woman, the fat cow, the dirty pig, the little chicken ran after the gingerbread man. _________________
  4. The gingerbread man crossed the river with an ugly fox. _________________
  5. The fox ate the gingerbread man. _________________

Activity 4.2 En la siguiente actividad enumera las imágenes en el orden correcto.
Identifica las imágenes del inicio, desarrollo y final del cuento. (Descarga la actividad y usa cualquier herramienta para ordenarla y clasificarla).

Activity 4.3 Por último, lee el resumen del cuento y escoge el adjetivo correcto para cada descripción.

Once upon a time there was a little old/young couple. One day, the little/tall old woman baked a gingerbread man. The little old couple tried to catch the gingerbread man to eat him, but he was very slow/fast. The thin/fat cow, the dirty/clean pig, the big/little chicken ran after the gingerbread man but couldn’t catch him. The gingerbread man got to a river and befriended a fox. The fox helped the gingerbread man to cross the river and finally ate the delicious gingerbread man.


You have completed the activities for today. Find more activities next Wednesday!